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Mara Helmuth

composes music often involving the computer, focussing recently on environmental issues and wildlife. Her recordings include Irresistible Flux on Esther Lamneck’s Tarogato Constructions, from O on Open Space CD 33 Benjamin Boretz 9x9, Lifting the Mask on Sounding Out! (Everglade), Sound Collaborations, (CDCM v.36, Centaur CRC 2903), Implements of Actuation (Electronic Music Foundation EMF 023), and works included on Open Space CD 16 and the 50thAnniversary University of Illinois EMS collection.  Scores are published in Open Space Magazine Issues 19-20 (from O), and Notations 21 (String Paths), edited by Theresa Sauer. Her music has been performed internationally at conferences, festivals and arts spaces. Her research includes software for composition and improvisation has involved granular synthesis (StochGran), wireless sensor networks, user interfaces, performance over Internet2, Unity musical game environments and contributions to the RTcmix music programming language. She is Professor of Composition at the College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati and Director of the CCM Center for Computer Music. She previously taught at Texas A&M University and New York University. She holds a D.M.A. from Columbia University, and earlier degrees from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She served on the board of directors for the International Computer Music Association, as Vice President for Conferences, newsletter editor and President and on the SEAMUS board of directors and newsletter editor. She also plays tennis, and practices t’ai chi ch’uan. 

Mara Helmuth

compone musica che coinvolge spesso il computer, concentrandosi recentemente su questioni ambientali e faunistiche. Le sue registrazioni includono Irresistible Flux su Tarogato Construction di Esther Lamneck, da O on Open Space CD 33 Benjamin Boretz 9x9, Lifting the Mask su Sounding Out! (Everglade), Sound Collaborations, (CDCM v.36, Centaur CRC 2903), Implementazioni di attuazione (Electronic Music Foundation EMF 023), e opere incluse su Open Space CD 16 e nel 50thAnniversary University of Illinois EMS collection. Le partiture sono pubblicate su Open Space Magazine Issues 19-20 (da O) e Notations 21 (String Paths), edito da Theresa Sauer. La sua musica è stata eseguita a livello internazionale in occasione di conferenze, festival e spazi artistici. La sua ricerca comprende software per la composizione e l'improvvisazione impiegando la sintesi granulare (StochGran), reti di sensori wireless, interfacce utente, prestazioni su Internet2, ambienti di gioco musicale Unity e contributi al linguaggio di programmazione musicale RTcmix. È docente di composizione al College-Conservatory of Music, Università di Cincinnati e Direttore del CCM Center for Computer Music. Ha precedentemente insegnato alla Texas A & M University e alla New York University. Detiene un D.M.A. dalla Columbia University, e in precedenza dalla University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. È stata membro del consiglio di amministrazione dell'International Computer Music Association, in qualità di Vicepresidente per Conferenze, editore di newsletter e Presidente del consiglio di amministrazione di SEAMUS e editore di newsletter. Gioca anche a tennis e pratica il t'ai chi ch'uan.